When searching for a gift this season, please consider giving the gift of bold dissent.
America’s key to greatness is our long history of bold dissent: the Founding Fathers, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglas, Dwight Eisenhower and his warning about the military industrial complex, Martin Luther King putting his life on the line for freedom for all peoples.
Our children are growing up in an unprecedented time of emotional hijacking of common sense. The dumbing-down of education. Vaccine mandates tearing apart the hard-won social contract that we each have a right to earn a living and feed our families. Most doctors — after all their training! — just doing what they are told and applying the one-size-fits-all-no-brains-needed CDC vaccination schedule like a cookie cutter to our kids.
This publication, the VaxCalc Insider, is for people who have had enough of all that.
My gift to you, your family and friends is the forever-free vaccine-choice friendly online community of like-minded people. Forever free in cost. Forever free from censorship. Forever free from being scared of different health choices. Forever free from fear of diverse viewpoints. Forever free from being too scared to speak up.
Joining our free community is easy: just send an email to join@vaxcalc.org and you’ll receive an invite in less than 30 seconds.
Thank you SO MUCH for subscribing to the VaxCalc Insider! If you’re a free subscriber, please consider a paid subscription for yourself:
or a gift subscription for somebody special:
Much love to you and yours this holiday season.