When Katie Couric threw the vaccine-injured under the bus
Mass vaccination is built upon the QUIET sacrifice of healthy people
Back in December 2013, Katie Couric invited the public to openly discuss the risks and benefits of the HPV vaccine, and there was a huge outpouring from the vaccine injured community.
Immediately after her 17-minute report on HPV and the Gardasil vaccine, a massive cyber-lynching campaign was launched against her.
NVIC has an excellent article on this, which points out that
Katie Couric presented information and a range of perspectives about a current topic being discussed by millions of parents and young women in homes and doctors’ offices across the country. She did it because she is an intellectually honest journalist, a compassionate mother and cancer prevention pioneer.
A week after her show aired, she apologized for having “simply spent too much time on the serious adverse events that have been reported in very rare cases following the vaccine. More emphasis should have been given to the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccines.”
Eventually, Katie removed all 106 pages of testimony from the parents of Gardasil vaccine-injured children from her website.
Subscribers have access to all 106 pages of testimony below, which I downloaded and saved years ago, sensing that it would soon be flushed down the memory hole. It contains some seriously powerful testimony from parents.