Who are we?

We are like a modern day Star Wars Rebel Alliance fighting the greatest threat to freedom today: tyrannical vaccine stormtroopers who will stop at nothing until they vaccinate everybody from cradle to grave. Again and again.

We’re here to put a stop to this. Because it is wrong.

We proudly, fiercely, stubbornly, loyally serve the vaccine-hesitant.

We view vaccine-hesitancy as a sign of intelligent, courageous decision-making in the face of tremendous pressure to “just do what you’re told.”

We believe that people are hard-wired for freedom by their Creator, and that "just doing what we are told" is not a way to live.

Our purpose - and the purpose of this newsletter - is to create a happier, healthier, more scientific and resilient world by empowering each individual to make their own vaccination decisions - with the tools, technology, planning capability, research and community you need to do it.

We will not stop until we democratize vaccination by changing it from "do as you are told" to "a customizable choice" in which everybody has a say in what they do or don’t do.

Why subscribe?

Because you, too, want to join the Rebel Alliance and help secure the future of freedom for yourself and your children.

We need you on our team. Join us today!

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Making your own confident vaccination decisions, embracing vaccine-hesitancy, and thinking like a demanding consumer when vaccinating.


VaxCalc founder, software developer, Dad. https://chrisdowney.bio/